Two smiling men in matching blue and black company polo shirts standing side by side against a white background

The Solution to Your Cleaning and Restoration Needs in Glenwood

From adventures on Lake Minnewaska to spending a day at Barsness Park, we know Glenwood, MN, has so much to offer. But after a day of strolling Downtown Glenwood, no one wants to return to a filthy home or business.

But not to worry — A1 has been cleaning Minnesota homes for 20 years. We’re experts in commercial and residential cleaning services and are happy to help you.

Discover what we offer for all your Glenwood cleaning and restoration needs.

How We Meet Your Glenwood Cleaning and Restoration Needs

Our full-service cleaning and maintenance services include everything that will keep your property looking great that you might not necessarily get to on your regular rounds. For example, some of the general Glenwood cleaning and restoration needs we help with include:
  • Carpet steam cleaning
  • Upholstery servicing and stain removal
  • Stone dirt removal
  • Tile and grout cleaning
  • Furnace and air duct cleaning

Giving your air ducts some attention is necessary every few months because it helps keep your air cleaner and takes the pressure off your AC system.

As we remove dust and dirt build-up from your duct system, then there is less of it to get caught in the machinery and filtration system, which optimizes your HVAC unit and makes your air cleaner. These residential and commercial cleaning services you didn’t even know you needed are crucial to your health.

Mold Solutions

Mold occurs when moisture or humidity is allowed to sit in an area, and microbes start to grow in a warm and wet environment. If you’re noticing mold around the house, it’s time to take action before things get worse.

Give us a call, and we will help you with mold remediation before it becomes an issue.

Complete Restoration

Every home will need some restoration work done every few months as regular ‘wear and tear occurs. For this reason, we can help with all of your Glenwood cleaning and restoration needs that might come up. These include broken tiles, chipping drywall, or peeling carpets.

As these little issues arise around your home, worry not! Our technicians can work with any restoration issue that you might have.

Odor Removal

Dealing with nasty smells in your home is one of the most complex parts of being a homeowner. It’s difficult to tell where a smell might be coming from and even harder to get it to go away even if you know what the source is.

Our teams at A1 Cleaning are trained on how smells are absorbed by walls, carpeting, and upholstery, so they are prepared to remove them effectively.

Even if the source turns out to be mold or bacterial build-up in an area, we can take care of it safely without any risk of allergy, sickness, or contamination.

To Maintain a Clean, Fresh Home and Business, Call Us Today!

For your cleaning and restoration needs in Glenwood, contact the A1 Cleaning team. We offer such a variety of services that we can guarantee our technicians will be able to help you while offering the best prices in Glenwood.

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